Statement and Conclusion (Give the conclusion bested on the given statement.)

25 puncte bonus
8 rezolvări

Autor quiz: PisicaAfricana10


A statement is a formal account of certain facts, views, problems or situations expressed in words. Conclusion: A conclusion is a belief or an opinion that is the result of reasoning out a given statement.
Give the conclusion bested on the given statement .

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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "Statement and Conclusion (Give the conclusion bested on the given statement.)"

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  • The national norm is 1 teacher per ten students but in this state it is 1 teacher per eight students. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from this statement? A) Our national norm is appropriate. B) The state's education system is taking adequate care in this regard.
  • Statement: If he is an intelligent, he will pass in the examination. Which is true?

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