Zita the Spacegirl

25 puncte bonus
8 rezolvări

Zita’s life took a cosmic left turn in the blink of an eye. When her best friend is abducted by […]

Pippi Longstocking

25 puncte bonus
29 rezolvări

Because of Mr. Terupt

25 puncte bonus
8 rezolvări

Ella Enchanted

25 puncte bonus
10 rezolvări

Bad Kitty (Vol 1)

20 puncte bonus
4 rezolvări

  First of one of the great series about a cat’s adventures, this book will captivate you.  

Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller

20 puncte bonus
13 rezolvări

Annie Sullivan was little more than a half-blind orphan with a fiery tongue when she arrived at Ivy Green in […]

Mercy Watson (Mercy Watson to the Rescue)

20 puncte bonus
4 rezolvări

Escaping the Giant Wave

20 puncte bonus
4 rezolvări

Dragon Slayers’ Academy (Revenge of the Dragon Lady)

20 puncte bonus
3 rezolvări

Is a wizard’s spell for courage enough to save Wiglaf when the “Mother of all Dragons” (or at least of […]

The Never Girls (In a Blink)

15 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

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