Test your knowledge in case of a need for first AID
Autor quiz: PisicaAfricana10
How about some questions and answers on First Aid? What are the basics for the first responder?
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Întrebarea 1 din 10
1. Întrebare
1 puncteIf someone is being electrocuted, what is the first thing the responder should do? A. tackle the victim to get the victim free of the electricity B. turn off the electrical power, if possible. C. keep clear and call the power company. D. B & CCorect
Întrebarea 2 din 10
2. Întrebare
1 puncteIf someone is in shock, what is the best thing to do?Corect
Întrebarea 3 din 10
3. Întrebare
1 puncteIf someone is bleeding, a first responder typically attempts to use __________ first.Corect
Întrebarea 4 din 10
4. Întrebare
1 puncteHow long can a typical person live if their breathing is stopped, without sustaining brain damage?Corect
Întrebarea 5 din 10
5. Întrebare
1 puncteThe ABCs of first aid: What is the 'B'?Corect
Întrebarea 6 din 10
6. Întrebare
1 puncteIf someone witnesses an accident, and then becomes unresponsive or shivers violently, they may be suffering from this dangerous medical condition:Corect
Întrebarea 7 din 10
7. Întrebare
1 puncteThe ABCs of first aid: What is the 'A'?Corect
Întrebarea 8 din 10
8. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat condition can be caused by allergies or insect stings?Corect
Întrebarea 9 din 10
9. Întrebare
1 puncteThe ABCs of first aid: What is the 'C'?Corect
Întrebarea 10 din 10
10. Întrebare
1 puncteAll of the below are first aid methods to control bleeding, EXCEPT:Corect
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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "Test your knowledge in case of a need for first AID"
- If someone is being electrocuted, what is the first thing the responder should do? A. tackle the victim to get the victim free of the electricity B. turn off the electrical power, if possible. C. keep clear and call the power company. D. B & C
- How long can a typical person live if their breathing is stopped, without sustaining brain damage?
- If someone is in shock, what is the best thing to do?