The Days of the Week – I

7 puncte bonus
20 rezolvări

Autor quiz: HackeritaDesteapta2


The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures, so the first letter of each day must be a CAPITAL letter.
Monday = associated with the Moon
Tuesday = from the god Tiw, associated with Mars
Wednesday = from Germanic god Odin
Thursday = from Germanic god of thunder Thor
Friday = from Germanic goddess Frigga associated with Venus
Saturday = associated with Saturn
Sunday = associated with the Sun

This is a 10 questions quiz I challenge you to pass! Good luck!

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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "The Days of the Week – I"

  • Which day of the week is missing? Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Which day of the week has 25 hours in it?
  • How many school days are there in a week?

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