17 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

Autor quiz: HackeritaDesteapta2


Here’s a story you will never forget about a man named Mr. Hoppy who lives in a small apartment alone with his flowers. He is deeply in love with his neighbor, Mrs. Silver but to shy to approach her and tell her his true feelings.
Everyday, he goes to his balcony and listen to the woman living below him with her pet. The old man wanted to marry the old woman but he cannot even start a conversation with her.
How things go you already know from the book.
Take this 10 questions quiz to remember all the events!
Good luck!

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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "ESIO TROT – II"

  • How long does Mr. Hoppy's plan last?
  • How many tortoises does Mr. Hoppy buy from the pet stores?
  • What happened to Alfie, the first of them all?

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