The Little Prince
THE LITTLE PRINCE is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s most famous novella. It has been translated into more than 190 languages and sold more than 200 million copies, making it one of the bestselling books ever. The story, first published in 1943, is about a pilot who must make an emergency landing in the desert because of engine problems. This is ironic, since the author himself took off in a plane over the Mediterranean just a year later and was never seen or heard from again. This timeless story has been adapted to various media over the decades, including stage, screen and operatic works.
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Întrebarea 1 din 10
1. Întrebare
1 puncteWho helps the little prince go back to his planet?Corect
Întrebarea 2 din 10
2. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat does the pully on the well sound like?Corect
Întrebarea 3 din 10
3. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat colour are the king’s robes?Corect
Întrebarea 4 din 10
4. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat is drawing number one of?Corect
Întrebarea 5 din 10
5. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat is the merchant selling?Corect
Întrebarea 6 din 10
6. Întrebare
1 puncteHow much time will you save a week if you take one of the merchant\' s pills?Corect
Întrebarea 7 din 10
7. Întrebare
1 puncteWho teaches the prince about bonds and friendship?Corect
Întrebarea 8 din 10
8. Întrebare
1 puncteWhom does the little prince love?Corect
Întrebarea 9 din 10
9. Întrebare
1 puncteWhy does the little prince tell the pilot not to come when the snake bites him?Corect
Întrebarea 10 din 10
10. Întrebare
1 puncteWho inhabits the first planet that the prince visits?Corect
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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "The Little Prince"
- Who inhabits the first planet that the prince visits?
- Who helps the little prince go back to his planet?
- What is drawing number one of?